Ask the History Doc: the Merovingians

  Dear History Doc: I have just finished reading The DaVinci Code. In the book, the author says there’s a connection between the beginnings of Christianity and Mary Magdalen, and the Merovingians and their present-day descendants in France. Who were the Merovingians anyway and were they really that closely linked to early Christianity? Signed, I Don’t Get It Dear Don’t Get It, Actually, the History Doc must confess that she did not get it either. The connection, that is. However, she is prepared to place the Merovingians in an historical context for you, and perhaps we shall have to settle for that. The Merovingians are considered to have been the first ruling family in France. Although the first well-known Merovingian was Clovis, the family name derives from his dimly known ancestor, Merovee. As best we can figure out, Merovee was a Frankish leader during the first half of the fifth century, but, at that time, only one of many such warrior leaders. Devotés of the History Doc will no doubt recall that the area that would become France was in something of a mess for much of the fifth and even the sixth centuries, as various groups struggled for geographical and political gain. It was largely thanks to Clovis (c. 466-511) that the chaos was at least somewhat suppressed, since that military ruler managed both to conquer most of his important opponents and to curry the favor of the Church. By the time of his death, a chunk of territory primarily in the center, east, and north of present-day France had been brought under tenuous control by the Merovingians. However, most of the rules and precedents that would later lend some degree of permanent stability to the monarchy were still very much in flux at that point. Since the custom of primogeniture had not yet been established, Clovis, who produced four sons, divided his territory among them. This division led not only to conflict among his heirs but also to the beginnings of what might be called a “German” part of the Merovingian holdings versus a “Gallo-Roman” part. Luckily one of Clovis’ heirs managed to reunite the territory, but the residue of a rivalry between the areas then known as Neustrie to the west and Austrasie to the east remained to create problems. In the sixth century, the rivalry produced a shocking scandal during the reign of Sigebert I of Austrasie, when there was a struggle between Brunehaut, his wife , and Frédégonde, the wife of the ruler of Neustrie—but that is a story for another day. The Merovingians never really succeeded in a permanent unification effort, and by the seventh century they were in decline. They faced the rising power of their nobles, along with the distressing repetitive pattern of minor rulers who died leaving behind minor heirs. Historically, dynasties that produce only minors to inherit the throne are setting themselves up for trouble. There are always court rivalries over the control of the young king and, in addition, enemies within and without regard a period of minority as the ideal time to take over the country. In addition to their problems with minorities, these so-called Merovingian rois fainéants faced a formidable series of rivals waiting in the wings—the future Carolingians. Once these capable and ambitious rivals became Mayors of the Palace, they worked tirelessly to advance their power, ingratiating themselves with the Church and providing the only successful military might available. It was the Carolingian Mayor Charles Martel, of course, who defeated the invading Islamic forces at Tours in 732, leading to the recognition of his son, Pepin the Short (d. 768), as ruler instead of merely Mayor.   Putting an end to the rival Merovingians, being crowned, and starting a new royal dynasty should have come down to us as major historical accomplishments, but poor Pepin the Short has always been eclipsed in the history books by his more famous offspring, Charlemagne, who became one of the bright lights of the early Middle Ages and therefore gets most of the good press. And so, Don’t Get It, that is the historical stuff about the Merovingians in a nutshell. Not much is known about these folks until they showed up to connect themselves to what became France. As to the connection between these Frankish leaders and anything (or anyone) related to early Christianity, your guess is as good as mine—or as the novelist’s, for that matter. —Jean England Freeland is a now-retired professor of history presently living on a real farm raising real fruit and veggies. After struggling to learn French for four years, she has at last reached the point where, whenever she visits Paris and actually speaks the language, the natives no longer flee screaming. She considers this one of the major accomplishments of her life.
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